To View the Listing of Burials by Surname, click on the appropriate letter.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X-Y-Z Causes Dedication

The Shamokin Cemetery has over 16,000 internments on the side
of a mountain that spans 20 acres. The Cemetery is divided into
Large Blocks which are sub-divided into Ranges. The Ranges are
then divided into Lots.
Please Note:
1. Maps of the cemetery show where each block is, however
each range and lot are not the same on each block.
2. Burials annotated Single Grave are located at the left
side of the cemetery behind the mausoleum in Block XI.
Unfortunately, Most of these graves are unmarked and there
is no way of knowing exactly where a specific burial is
3. Burials annotated "G.A.R. Circle" are located south of
the mausoleum in Block VIII. This Block is named for the
Guard of the Army Republic, and is known today as the
Soldier’s Circle.
4. Not every Burial has a headstone. When searching for a
relative or ancestor does not yield a result sometimes
looking at marked lots nearby will help you locate a burial site
5. If you are not sure if your ancestor has a headstone
Please contact me before visiting and I will give you the
names of people buried around/near your Ancestor